Nov 2, 2010

Happy Election Day!

God (and the people of Nevada): please save us from Sharron Angle.

And as you await the results of the election, check out the 100 best signs captured at BuzzFeed from John Stewart and Stephen Colbert's  "Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear" this past weekend. My personal favorite, below, was captured by my own friend and reads "I LOVE MUSLIN (a progressive gauze)."

Oct 19, 2010

Christine O'Donnell educates us on the Constitution

Wow! I thought the Tea Party's whole schtick was that they were all ABOUT some Constitution? I think Ms. O'Donnell could use a new copy. Bless you Christine! You're on track to give us as much material as Palin if you keep it up...

Oct 15, 2010

Blog Alert

The Debonaire was featured in today's "Blogs of Note," and I really like! You might, too...check it out.

Oct 7, 2010

Hungover Owls

Although I think they miss a few opportunities in the captions,  Hungover Owls is still a blog worth perusing....

Sep 24, 2010

Joy of a Salesman

Again, not a new find, but this video is high.larry.ous. Go ahead...treat yourself!

Sep 23, 2010

Like a phoenix rising from the ashes...

It's been a long ass time since anyone's posted anything to Blip Blop Bit...but I'm thinking it might be time to change that. It is getting to be one of my favorite times of the year--what politicians and pundits annoyingly refer to as political "silly season." And with 2010 shaping up to be the Year of the Tea Party, and Sarah Palin eyeing 2012, it seems like there will probably be much good fodder in the next few months.

But before we move right to the present--me thinks it's not a bad idea to take a look back at some noteworthy finds from the past year or so.

Let's begin with the Strange Tale of the Crack Fox, shall we?

Feb 20, 2009

So funny to me-ee-ee!

Cow Pee!

Move over Coke and Gatorade, cow pee is about to be the latest thirst quencher. In India, anyways. It's supposedly free of toxins, which is interesting since the purpose of urine is to carry toxins out of the body. But whatevs. Cheers!